Mouri Mitsuya and Hosoi Atsuko, eds. 古代ギリシア遥かな呼び声にひかれて——東京大学ギリシア悲劇研究会の活動 To the Very Echo: Performances of Greek Tragedy by the Greek Tragedy Study Club (GTSC), University of Tokyo. Ronsosha, 2019. 

Reviewed by Miku Sueyoshi, Ph.D. student, Cambridge University 

Liu Wei 刘玮. Gongyi yu sili: Yalishidoude shijian zhexue yanjiu (公益与私利: 亚里士多德实践哲学研究) Common Good and Private Good: A Study of Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy). Peking University Press, 2019. 

Review by Francis K. H. So, National Sun Yat-sen University 

Yan Shaoxiang. Xila yu luoma: guoqu yu xianzai 希腊与罗马: 过去与现在 (Greece and Rome: Past and Present). Commercial Press, 2019. 

Reviewed by Dr Daniel Canaris, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 

From Constantinople to Chang’an: Byzantine Gold Coins in the World of Late Antiquity. 

Edited by Sven Günther, Li Qiang, Lin Ying and Claudia Sode, Institute for…

Yasunori Kasai, editor. Dancing Wisteria-Essays in Honour of Professor Masaaki Kubo on his Ninetieth Birthday: Vol. 1, Life and Works of Professor Masaaki Kubo, Vol. 2. Bibliotheca Wisteriana, Tokyo 2020. 

Reviewed by Yasunori Kasai, professor emeritus, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 

P. Ovidii Nasonis Fasti. Translated into Chinese with notations by Yongyi Li. Beijing: China Youth Publishing Group, 2020. 

Reviewed by I-ting Su, Independent scholar

Rock Solid: Volume 36/2 of the Journal of Ancient Civilizations 

Reviewed by Michael Skupin, emeritus, Chinese Culture University, Taipei